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Specialty envelopes: Getting the message

Specialty EnvelopesFor centuries we've been looking at ways to get the message across. The Babylonians thought of making a type of clay envelope-like enclosure around clay tablets. The clay was then baked around the message inside. The problems began when you had a lot of messages to carry, it could get quite heavy.

Hats off to the emperor who apparently liked to write a message on the shaved head of one of his servants. The hair was then allowed to grow back and the man was sent to deliver the message. Of course, to read it- his head would have to be shaved again. Obviously, this wasn't the type of message delivery that could be used for urgent messages. Specialty envelopes have come a long way since then!

Another innovative gentleman got a bit greedy about getting the message out. De Valayer, a Frenchman in 1653 Paris, decided to create a postal system in the city. He made mail boxes and guaranteed your letter would be delivered if you had purchased the envelope from him. His plan worked for a short time, until his enemies decided to teach him a lesson and placed hungry little mice in all his letter boxes.

Top manufacturer discount envelopes

Discount EnvelopesIn the past, specialty envelopes and other stationary supplies were scarce. Paper was expensive to buy, being labor intensive, so the paper was usually just sealed closed. During the Civil War, it was hard to get the paper needed for envelopes; so many times an envelope was turned inside out and re-used. You'll be happy to know that our discount envelopes come in bright and pastel envelope styles in all sizes from square envelopes to cardboard mailers and are very affordable and available in bulk orders, so you'll never run out.

Whether you are looking for colored envelopes, wedding envelopes or prefer a brown bag 100 percent recycled square envelope, we carry a wide assortment of top manufacturer discount envelopes.



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